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with SeaQuill Writers Co-Op

Meet L.E. Hinkley


Meet L.E. Hinkley… 

Who remembers the childhood thrill of reading a beautifully illustrated book, or of having an adult read it to you? Could it have been the beginning of your own love of reading? Authors like L.E. Hinkley fill a vital role in literacy, and today, SeaQuill Writers is honored to discover more about her in her own words, and to introduce Lois Hinkley, who writes as L.E. Hinkley, to you.

Lois, it’s a pleasure to have you as a member of SeaQuill Writers Co-Op, and now as one of our prestigious featured authors. Welcome, and thank you for agreeing to satisfy our curiosity about you. 

SQW: You grew up in rural Maine where your love for nature and wildlife began early. When and how did that love for nature become the focus for your series of children’s books about Florida wildlife?

Lois: When I moved to Florida, five years ago, there were so many new and different animals and plants here. I had taught Science for a number of years and wanted to learn more about Florida’s unique flora and fauna. The idea for Angus came from watching the little anoles who would visit my house and garden daily.

SQW: When did you first discover you enjoyed writing?

Lois: That is a hard question since it seems as though I have enjoyed writing since I was very young. I would write short stories and poetry just for fun.

SQW: You also developed a love for painting and drawing while growing up in Maine. Do you illustrate your own books?

Lois: Yes, I do illustrate my own books and as much as I enjoy writing, I think the illustrating is my favorite part. I enjoy creating my own color palette and I use a mixed media technique to make the animals and flowers pop on the page.

SQW: Did your career as a Special Education teacher influence you to write children’s books?

Lois: I think so. I have always enjoyed teaching children about Nature and how to appreciate our world.

SQW: What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

Lois: I usually spend several days of research before I start writing the story and I continue to do research as needed during the writing process and while illustrating.

SQW: What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

Lois: The most difficult part of the writing process for me is the ending. I try to engage the reader and end the story giving them something to think about.

SQW: What books do you enjoy reading?

Lois: I read a wide variety of books. When I read fiction, I usually choose Psychological mysteries and thrillers, some historical fiction and fantasy.

SQW: Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

Lois: Since I write and illustrate children’s books, I must say I’m influenced the most by authors such as Eric Carle, Maurice Sendak, and Dahlov Ipcar.

SQW: Has writing, illustrating, and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?

Lois: Whether I sell a lot of books or not, I am content that I accomplished something I had wanted to do for some time and I hope my book brings enjoyment to the children who read it, which will make me happy. I am currently working on another book entitled Bonita-B is for Butterfly, so I am beginning to see myself as an author!

SQW: Thank you for taking the time to fill us in on some interesting details about yourself, Lois! We certainly see you as an excellent author, and we can hardly wait for Bonita’s story to be published. Dear Reader, please click below to find out more about L.E. Hinkley’s first book, Angus — A Is For Anole


You can contact Lois Hinkley via Email:

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