Meet Joseph F. Alcock

Joseph Alcock lives in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida with his wife, Marilyn. He was employed by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR), a division of United Technologies, for forty-two years. Joe was a project engineer on many of the company’s commercial and military jet engines and rocket engines. Before he retired, he was the pre-launch operations manager for the booster engines in the Atlas III and Atlas V launch vehicles. He has written many proposals for PWR and several articles, stories and instruction manuals for local organizations since he retired in 2006.
Joe has written three books on aerospace history.
Tomorrow Has Wings: The Story of Captain Jack Alcock First to Fly the Atlantic Non-Stop in 1919
A British pilot, while a prisoner of war in WWI, conceived a plan to fly across the Atlantic non-stop to win the Daily Mail prize of $50,000. He and a navigator he met while preparing for the flight made the attempt in June 1919 after several other aviators had failed.
Tomorrow Is Supersonic: The Story of the Jet Age
Tony LeVier, an American pilot; Frank Whittle, a British inventor, and Kelly Johnson, an American Aircraft designer; developed the first operational jet aircraft in the closing years of World War II.
Tomorrow the Moon: The Story of the Space Age.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert Goddard, and Hermann Oberth were the “Fathers of the Space Age,” according to NASA. Two others: Sergei Korolev, of the Soviet Union, and Wernher von Braun, of the United States, competed in the Space Race of the 1960s culminating in the first successful landing on the Moon in July 1969.
After Marilyn and Joe lost their spouses to cancer, they married in 2014. Together, they have six children and thirteen grandchildren. Their combined love of travel has taken them to Australia, New Zealand, Eastern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, France, and many National Parks in the USA.
Together with his wife Marilyn, as J & M Alcock, Joe has co-authored the newly released story of Captain Samuel Burgess, who sailed with the notorious Captain Kidd. Listed as Historical Fiction, The Sea Rogue: Captain Samuel Burgess is based on a true story you won’t be able to put down.
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