Meet Farrell Fand

Meet Farrell Fand…
Farrell Fand grew up in Newark, New Jersey. After graduating from Jersey City State College (now New Jersey City University), with an English major and science minor, he began teaching grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 English in Matawan Regional High School. Three years later, he moved to Maplewood Middle School, where he taught English in grades 7, 8, and 9 (mostly 7) for 31 years. Fand created the Adopt-a-Grandparent program, which, for thirteen years, paired his current students with residents in nursing homes.
He lived in Maplewood, New Jersey, just half a block from his school, with his wife, Anna, and their two children, Beth and Peter. In addition to teaching, Farrell was an active singer (second tenor) and frequent officer in the Maplewood Glee Club.
When health problems caused him to leave teaching, Anna invited him to attend a writing group to which she belonged. That visit started him on a new career, writing. His works are mostly fiction, in the short story genre, although he has written short humorous memoire pieces.
Currently, Fand lives with his wife, Anna, in Monroe Township, New Jersey, where he continues writing. He says about his creative process, “When I think about life, I think What if and let my imagination take me into that world.”
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