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Sneak Peek – 70+ Book Marketing Ideas

created by Jan Alexander from pixabay 

Welcome to a sneak peek into the members-only pages. Normally, this is only accessible by members of SeaQuill Writers from the Tips and Insights page, where you’ll find informative articles we’ve found or written that benefit us as authors and writers. We found this one on Reedsy, another member site not affiliated with SeaQuill Writers. Join us to see more like it. 

70+ Book Marketing Ideas to Rocket-Boost Your Sales

No matter what kind of book they’re writing, every self-publishing author will eventually arrive at the same question: what’s the best way to market it?The good news is that tons of other indie authors have grappled with this question already — and that by following in their footsteps, you can create a book marketing plan that will have your book flying off the shelves.

In this post, we offer up 70+ book marketing ideas to help you out. It also features a free book marketing checklist you can print out and use to track your progress! And if you’re craving even more info straight from the pen of an expert, check out our free book marketing guide How to Market a Book: Overperform in a Crowded Market, written by our very own Ricardo Fayet.

But this post is getting ahead of itself. For those first dipping a toe into the marketing waters, we’ll begin with the essentials.


Award Profiteers – Who They Are and Why Avoid Them

Award Profiteers – Who They Are and Why Avoid Them

AWARD WINNING AUTHOR. What a prestigious title, and one any author would be proud to own. The excitement when one or more of your books has won an award, the recognition for pouring your heart and soul into your work, and the marketing boost it affords make it a goal worth pursuing; such as an award from the Florida Writers Association. Congratulations to our own RPLA Award winners!

And yet, as in everything in today’s society, we authors must be aware that unsavory characters exist who are out to take your money with little or no return, such as less-than-prestigious awards. 

AWARD PROFITEERS. What are they and how can you avoid them? I found this informative article by A.J.Alexander, who has done her research and shares it with us:

Warning Of ‘Award Profiteers’

The past few weeks, I got emails from ‘MainCrest Media,’ telling me that they have the greatest respect for my talent and summoning me to participate in their ‘Awards Program.’ They promise recognition and increase of sales. Their website is quite well designed, a professional invitation to step right into that well-created trap.

The moment I saw their submission fee of $99/per entry, reduced from $149, I got goosebumps, and I knew something didn’t seem right. I started my search about their practice and found several websites and articles warning from so-called ‘Award Profiteers.’