
by SeaQuill Writers

The Sea Rogue: Captain Samuel Burgess


by J & M Alcock

Samuel Burgess, a little known pirate in the late 1600s, leaves the family farm in Boston and joins Captain Kidd’s crew. His adventures take him to the Caribbean, New France, and finally to Madagascar and the Red Sea. In addition to being a pirate, he is involved in privateering against the French and trading guns and supplies for slaves and gold with pirates at Madagascar.

After marrying the girl of his dreams, they share a nerve-wracking adventure at sea. Things proceed to get worse when he loses his best friend, causing anger and greed to overtake him. Circumstances beyond his control cast him into dangerous situations, including being imprisoned at Newgate Gaol and tried for piracy at the Old Bailey in London.

Joseph F. Alcock and Marilyn Burdge Alcock, each a successful author in their own right, co-authored The Sea Rogue.

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