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Meet P.T.L. Perrin


P.T.L. Perrin (a.k.a. Patty), grew up in Europe as a military brat, with no television and a huge imagination. Books were her entertainment and augmented her education in German, Italian and American schools overseas.  

She wrote the Teen/YA SciFi Adventure TetraSphere series as pure entertainment and to answer some of the unanswerable questions about our amazing universe. The four newly revised books, Terra’s Call, Triton’s Call, Voice of Viracocha, and Terra’s Anthem, are the story of four gifted teens who must race against time and an alien threat to save humanity and two worlds from imminent self-destruction. 

Patty has always been interested in the belief systems of other cultures and believes that God is far bigger than the human mind can comprehend. Why would the Creator of this vast universe limit intelligent life to one tiny speck of a planet? What if other inhabited planets are interacting with Earth? 

One question led to another. What happened to Atlantis? What do the giant geoglyphs at Nazca mean?  Do dragons exist? Who are the Ant People who saved the Hopi nation from extinction? What if the fate of our planet were in the hands of four young people, each with special abilities, and each with his or her own struggles? 

Terra’s Call, the first book of the tetralogy, was a finalist in the Royal Palm Literary Awards. The second book in the series, Triton’s Call, was a third-place RPLA winner.

Patty’s newest release was the first book she wrote and published, Reflections of a Misfit, a memoir/devotional comprised of snippets of her life in light of some of the scriptures she reads daily. Revised and updated, it’s a fun, serious, heartwarming, surprising, and always honest read, divided into short sections that make it easy to use as a devotional. Patty invites you along on her very personal life as a misfit and believer. If you’re human, if you aren’t perfect, then you may be a misfit too. Her family is a rich source of entertainment and bits of wisdom. Anyone who sometimes feels like a misfit might relate and enjoy it. 

Patty and her tennis-pro husband Bill are parents and grandparents of a fluid, constantly growing family. Happily married, they live in south Florida where they exercise bragging rights in the winter, and enjoy the long summers, and where Patty is writing books she would have enjoyed reading back when she didn’t have television. 

You can connect with Patty on social media and at her main author website: 



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