created by Jan Alexander from pixabay Welcome to a sneak peek into the members-only pages. Normally, this is only accessible by members of SeaQuill Writers from the Tips and Insights page, where you'll find informative articles we've found or...

Quill Tips
Quill Tips -- Why THAT Name?
I LOVE research! If you had told me that, back in the dark ages when I had to plow through encyclopedias, reference books and piles of articles to write a research paper, I would have laughed.
It all started when I came across a painting by Concetta Antico. Her unusual use of color intrigued me, so I Googled her. She’s a tetrachromat. What is that? I Googled the word and discovered that super vision (unrelated to supervision) is a real superpower! One link led to another and soon I was lost in worlds I had no idea existed. I was hooked.
What does that have to do with Quill Tips? Let’s begin with SeaQuill Writers.
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Sneak Peek – 70+ Book Marketing Ideas
How To Upload Your Book to KDP 2022
Step-by-Step Guide Congratulations! Your manuscript is FINISHED! You've written your book, edited it, copyrighted it, formatted it, and now you're ready to upload it and publish your book. As a new author, or one who has made the decision...

Tips on Writing Blurbs
WRITING BOOK BLURBS The first thing a reader looks at when shopping for books is the cover, but the blurb on the back, or in the description online, is how they decide to read your book. That blurb will be used in online advertising, blog tours,...

Award Profiteers – Who They Are and Why Avoid Them
AWARD WINNING AUTHOR. What a prestigious title, and one any author would be proud to own. The excitement when one or more of your books has won an award, the recognition for pouring your heart and soul into your work, and the marketing boost it...
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